ESC PLAN: The ESC Opening Event
A half-day public event to inaugurate the Center for Ethics, Society, and Computing. Featuring: Julia Angwin (The Markup), danah boyd (Data & Society), André Brock (Georgia Tech), Marc DaCosta (Enigma), Jen Gennai (Google), Holly Okonkwo (Purdue), Monroe Price (Penn), and more.
Privacy@Michigan 2020
Privacy@Michigan 2020 brings together faculty, researchers, students, staff, and the public for multidisciplinary conversations about privacy’s role in society. Kathleen Kingsbury, editor of the New York Times Privacy Project, will give the keynote address. Additional privacy experts will participate in two panel discussions: "It Takes a Village: Multi-Disciplinary Voices on Privacy and Ethics in a Hyper-Connected Age," and "I Always Feel Like Someone Is Listening to Me: Voice Assistants and the Internet of Things."
CANCELLED: Behind Walls, Beyond Discipline: Science, Technology, and the Carceral State
Technology lies at the heart of the carceral state. Join us for a discussion of the role computing plays in predictive policing, surveillance, and other technologies of incarceration and justice.
Criminal Knowledge: Evidence, Expertise, and the Carceral State
HOW TO PARTICIPATE This Zoom webinar is free and open to the public. Register here. TITLE Criminal Knowledge: Evidence, Expertise, and the Carceral State SUMMARY From physiognomy to predictive policing, technoscience has long been central to the power of the carceral state. At the same time, carceral sites such as prisons, courtrooms, and crime scenes […]
Privatization, Technology, and the Carceral State
HOW TO PARTICIPATE This Zoom webinar is free and open to the public. Register here. TITLE Privatization, Technology, and the Carceral State SUMMARY From investment in surveillance technologies to relying on prison labor, the carceral state--like so many other traditional state functions--is being privatized. The state is turning to the private sector in the hopes […]
Living in a Carceral State
HOW TO PARTICIPATE This Zoom webinar is free and open to the public. Register here. TITLE Living in a Carceral State SUMMARY The twenty-first century carceral state inspires anxieties of a national or even global-scale panopticon. Omniscient and omnipresent technologies report our movements, purchases, communications, and even desires to invisible and unaccountable corporations and government […]