Silicon Valley Imperialism: Techno Fantasies and Frictions
Room 1040 (Multipurpose Room) LSA BuildingIn this presentation, Erin McElroy will discuss Silicon Valley Imperialism: Techno Fantasies and Frictions in Postsocialist Times, just published with Duke University Press with Matt Bui. The book maps out processes of gentrification, racial dispossession, and economic predation that drove the development of Silicon Valley in the San Francisco Bay Area and also looks at […]
Oliver Haimson | Trans Technologies Book Launch Event
North Quad Space 2435A conversation with UMSI Assistant Professor of Information Oliver L. Haimson, author of Trans Technologies (MIT Press), hosted by UMSI Professor Kishonna Gray, on how technology creates new possibilities for transgender people, and how trans experiences, in turn, create new possibilities for technology. Book signing and reception to follow. Free book copies for the first […]
STS 25th Anniversary Conference
On March 13-14, 2025, STS is hosting a 25th Anniversary Conference featuring presentations from graduate student alumni and former and current UM STS faculty members. STS program envisions this as an academic family reunion—a chance to share a meal with old friends, meet new colleagues, reflect on past accomplishments, and discover what’s new in the […]
Taomo Zhou | From Military-Industrial Complex to Global Supply Chain: A History of the Electronics Industry in Shenzhen, China
Ehrichler Room 3100 North Quad, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesAbstract In the context of contemporary geopolitical dynamics, discussions about "delinking" and "derisking" have become increasingly prominent, particularly in relation to the ongoing U.S.-China trade war. This talk examines the reverse of the current trend: the emergence of the global supply chain that transformed China into the "factory of the world" and elevated Shenzhen—one of […]
Elisa Giardina Papa | Data Heresy: A Queer Incomputable Tale
Event Abstract: In this talk, Elisa Giardina Papa will outline the theoretical and archival research which informs two of her experimental video installations, Cleaning Emotional Data and “U Scantu”: A Disorderly Tale. Presenting images she collected while working as a “data cleaner” for various AI systems, she will address the ways in which machines are […]
Maria Repnikova | Competing for “Soft Power”: China’s Uneven Image-Making in Africa
North Quad Space 2435Abstract Through the critical case study of Ethiopia, this book project identifies three core mechanisms of China’s image-making in Africa: tangible enticement through material and experiential offerings, ideational promotion of values and governance practices, and censorial influence through guarding the production and diffusion of China narratives. The in-depth fieldwork in China and Ethiopia further demonstrates […]