Event Details
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Algorithms, Scale, Speed, and the Labor of Logistics
Times shown are Eastern Daylight Time (UTC/GMT-4)
Ehrlicher Room, 3100 North Quad
FOR REMOTE PARTICIPANTS: Video from this talk will be streamed live; see http://esc.umich.edu/ for details.
“Algorithms, Scale, Speed, and the Labor of Logistics” is one of two public panel conversations that are part of the “Making the ‘Future of Work’ Work” workshop, funded by the National Science Foundation.
Panel Description: Digital labor regimes have infiltrated various processes from global logistics and supply chains to mass production and mechanic work. Scale, speed, and acceleration are key to these processes of increasing algorithmic control (simultaneously critiqued and celebrated). What are the cracks, frictions, and gaps in this seemingly all-subsuming finance capitalism? How might we have to rearticulate what counts as solidarity and collective organizing to counter distributed, isolating, and large-scale structures of control? How can we intervene in the persistent techno-optimism that live on in contemporary engineering and design?
Alessandro Delfanti (http://delfanti.org/)
Victoria Hattam (http://www.gidest.org/victoria-hattam)
Margaret Jack (https://www.maggiejack.info/)
Noopur Raval (https://noopur.xyz/)
Silvia Lindtner (http://www.silvialindtner.com/)
Christian Sandvig (http://umich.edu/~csandvig)