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STS 25th Anniversary Conference

Start: March 13, 2025 @ 5:30 pm

End: March 14, 2025 @ 6:00 pm

Times are shown in Eastern Time

On March 13-14, 2025, STS is hosting a 25th Anniversary Conference featuring presentations from graduate student alumni and former and current UM STS faculty members. STS program envisions this as an academic family reunion—a chance to share a meal with old friends, meet new colleagues, reflect on past accomplishments, and discover what’s new in the ever-expanding world of U-M STS.

Here is a brief agenda of the event. Please RSVP here!

Thursday, March 13, Rackham Assembly Hall

5:30 pm: Keynote, Gabrielle Hecht, Stanford University: “Inside-Out Earth”

Followed by a catered dinner for guests who RSVP

Friday, March 14, 1014 Tisch, 8:15-6 pm

8:15-8:35 am: Light Breakfast

8:35-8:45 am: Welcome

8:45-10:30 am: Orders of Extraction

10:45-12:00 pm: Centering the Marginalized in Medical STS

12:00-1:15 pm: Lunch

1:15-2:30 pm: Engaged STS and Environmental Crisis

2:45-4:30 pm: The Ambivalent Politics of Ambiguous Data

4:45-6:00: Reflections on the 25th Anniversary of U-M STS: Concluding Roundtable


This event is made possible by the generous support of the School of Information, the English Language and Literature Department, the History Department, the Communications Department, the Digital Studies Institute, the Anthropology Department, the Sociology Department, the Eisenberg Institute, the Anthro-History Department, the Center for Ethics, Society, and Computing, the Science, Technology, and Public Policy program, the African Studies Center, the LSA Research Office, the LSA Humanities Institute, and the RCI Block Grants for Arts and Humanities.

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